To send New Solution Mediation your intake information, you may use the form below.
Alternately, you may download this Form in Word doc format and follow the attached instructions for emailing it to New Solution Mediation.
Note that this information is strictly confidential, and is for the use of New Solution Mediation only –your information will not be shared with the other party or his/her counsel without your permission.

Please also see Family Mediation FORM 2: Income & Assets which covers much of the common ground for Family, Separation and Divorce Mediation.

    Client Information

    Your Name (*required)


    Residence address incl. postal code

    Mailing address incl. postal code (if different from above)

    Primary phone (*required)

    Is it ok to call and leave messages at this number?

    Cell phone (if different from Primary phone)

    Is it ok to call and leave messages at this number?

    Work phone

    Is it ok to call and leave messages at this number?

    Email (*required)

    Is it ok to send emails to this address?


    Annual income

    What is your first language?

    Lawyer's name

    Emergency Contact's name

    Emergency Contact phone

    Emergency contact email

    How did you hear about us?

    Other Party Information

    Other party's name


    Address incl. postal code

    His/her employer/job

    Annual income

    Relationship Information

    Date of cohabitation

    Date of marriage

    Marriage location

    Date of separation

    Are you interested in reconciling with the other party?

    Who made the decision to separate?

    Specify the reasons for separating:

    Are there any legal reasons that prevent you from communicating directly with the other party (ex. no contact order)?

    Do you have any concerns about meeting in the same room with the other party in a mediation setting? If so, please describe:

    Is there anything in your past relationship that would prevent you from speaking clearly about your needs and listening attentively to the needs of the other party? If so, please describe:

    What issues need to be settled between you?

    Is there anything else you want us to know?


    List all the children of the relationship.

    Child 1 Full name

    Child 1 Birthdate:

    Child 1 Grade

    Child 1 resides with

    Child 2 Full name

    Child 2 Birthdate:

    Child 2 Grade

    Child 2 resides with

    Child 3 Full name

    Child 3 Birthdate:

    Child 3 Grade

    Child 3 resides with

    Child 4 Full name

    Child 4 Birthdate:

    Child 4 Grade

    Child 4 resides with

    Child 5 Full name

    Child 5 Birthdate:

    Child 5 Grade

    Child 5 resides with

    List all the children from other relationships.

    Child 1 Full name

    Child 1 Birthdate:

    Child 1 Grade

    Child 1 resides with

    Child 2 Full name

    Child 2 Birthdate:

    Child 2 Grade

    Child 2 resides with

    Child 3 Full name

    Child 3 Birthdate:

    Child 3 Grade

    Child 3 resides with

    Child 4 Full name

    Child 4 Birthdate:

    Child 4 Grade

    Child 4 resides with

    Child 5 Full name

    Child 5 Birthdate:

    Child 5 Grade

    Child 5 resides with