Occasionally I have the opportunity to co-mediate, which means working in partnership with an additional mediator. For clients, it’s an excellent opportunity to have extra help in the room, without the extra cost. [...]
In my work with family business, there are so many different things we work through with families who are at various stages in their family business history: succession planning, continuity, legacy, leadership and [...]
The NSM Mediation process for Separation and Divorce clients begins with private one-on-one meetings with the parties separately. In them, virtually every client says to me something like: “I just want this to [...]
photo credit: iPhone Call via photopin (license) When people are in crisis, they do a lot of different things to react to it. Sometimes people call a close friend. Some people [...]
It’s a new year. We at New Solution Mediation hope you’re enjoying it so far. This short blog post is mainly to send you back to this older post about resolution for the [...]