Mediate BC

October 15, 2014

Logo_22I continue to be very proud of the Mediate BC Team -it is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of it!  Mediate BC is making an impact in this province.  (See what I mean Here is an excerpt from the Legislative Session from Oct. 9, a few days ago:

Hon. S. Anton: “I am pleased to rise today to support Conflict Resolution Day, which is October 16, 2014, and the efforts underway within British Columbia during the week of October 11 to 18 to promote the use of conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Day is intended to promote the awareness of conciliation, mediation and the other ways we can look at dealing with conflict and achieve more peaceful methods for resolving disputes.

I am also pleased to introduce and recognize the representative’s from B.C.’s private mediation community, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Justice’s public mediation service.

Joining us in the House today is Kari Boyle, executive director of Mediate B.C. Kari is joined by Marlene Russo, a Victoria lawyer, mediator and the new mediation adviser in the Victoria Justice Access Centre; and Michael Lomax, Victoria lawyer and mediator and member of Mediate B.C.’s board of directors.

From the Ministry of Justice we have Dan Vandersluis, executive director of family justice services division, and Wendy Morash, family justice counsellor from the Victoria Justice Access Centre.

Conflict resolution professionals in the private and public sector, as represented by these individuals today, do an important amount of work on behalf of all of us in this province, and we thank them for that. I ask the House to make them feel welcome.”