Category Archive for "Uncategorized"

The Preparation essential to Separation

Jan 10 2018

Whenever I am contacted by a new client, one thing that’s important to me is good preparation. In fact, preparation is everything.…

Full Disclosure

Oct 19 2017

One important thing that parties in mediation need to agree to is full disclosure. It’s one of the most important things about…

What’s fair is fair

Aug 04 2017

I talked to a client earlier this year who didn’t know very much about family law. He was getting separated from his…

Reflecting on Diversity and Mediation

Jun 22 2017

I recently spoke on a panel at the BC Arbitration and Mediation Institute’s annual Symposium. It was a good panel, and we…

How long will our Separation Mediation take?

May 25 2017

People often ask me how long it will take to do the mediation process. This is a great question and actually one…

What if the other party doesn’t want to mediate?

Nov 17 2016

This video was part a series of 2-minutes-or-less answers to questions about Mediation and Conflict Resolution, originally filmed for MediateBC’s Conflict Resolution Week. Unwillingness…

I’ve heard of Mediation for Big Labour Disputes. Is that what you do?

Nov 17 2016

This was one in a series of 2-minutes-or-less answers to questions about Mediation and Conflict Resolution, originally filmed for MediateBC’s Conflict Resolution Week.…

What I love about being a Mediator

Nov 15 2016

This was part of a series of 2-minutes-or-less answers to questions about Mediation and Conflict Resolution, originally filmed for MediateBC’s Conflict Resolution Week. In…

New year need some relational resolution?

Jan 04 2016

It’s a new year. We at New Solution Mediation hope you’re enjoying it so far. This short blog post is mainly to…

Why not mediate? Conflict Resolution Week 2015

Oct 23 2015

  I continue to be extremely proud to be a manager at Mediate BC, the hub for mediation in British Columbia promoting…