• New Year calendar

    It’s a new year. We at New Solution Mediation hope you’re enjoying it so far. This short blog post is mainly to send you back to this older post about resolution for the [...]

  • In Mediation you control the outcome #whynotmediate #MediateBC #DarrinHotte

      I continue to be extremely proud to be a manager at Mediate BC, the hub for mediation in British Columbia promoting cutting edge ideas and programs in mediation and conflict resolution. The [...]

  • I continue to be very proud of the Mediate BC Team -it is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of it!  Mediate BC is making an impact in this province.  (See [...]

  • Just a heads up about an incredible week of activity coming next week! Mediate BC continues to lead the way for PDR (see Sept. 30/14 blog to find out what PDR is) in [...]

  • There are many ways to work through the issues associated with a separation/divorce. At one end, the couple can negotiate together and come up with their agreements. (They would need to have a [...]

  • New Year calendar

    Nobody enjoys conflict. (If they do there might be something wrong with them!) And because nobody likes it, the vast majority of people tend to avoid conflict when it shows up in their [...]